It’s been reported that Warner Bros. and MGM have hired Amy Jump (best known for her work on High-Rise and Free Fire) to write a sequel to 2018’s Tomb Raider reboot starring Alicia Vikander.  The first film was met with divisive reviews upon release however the movie grossed 274.7 million globally and that is in no way classed as a ‘failure’. 

There has always been a misconception of the video game to movie adaptation being cursed nevertheless here at Me-Dia, we thoroughly enjoyed Tomb Raider and felt it captured the action/adventurous atmosphere from the newer games which the movie is largely influenced by. Tomb Raider had a bad-ass heroine, exotic locations, big action set pieces, puzzles, and tombs… what more do you want from a Tomb Raider movie?

Vikander fully embodied the titular character and has stated she would return to the role if there was an audience for the movies to continue and seeing as the movie finished on a cliff hanger and with Lara Croft obtaining her signature pistols, it would shame to shelve the franchise completely when there is a lot more story to tell.

There are currently no plot details but hopefully, we will soon get an official announcement from Warner Bros. and a follow-up movie will get the green light. Stay tuned to Me-Dia for all upcoming movie news.

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